Thursday, July 21, 2011

Oolong Tea


The Name Oolong tea came to the English language, from China, meaning "Black Dragon Tea". However, dragons are mythical creatures so I chose instead the Panda.  There are a few widely accepted origins of oolong, one theory is that it was first produced in the Wuyi Moutains during the Qing dynasty.

The leaves are traditionally oxidized by the sun, and no extra flavours are added. Leaving the tea leaves to dry in the sun causes them to curl and twist. I wanted to capture the soothing and calming taste of the natural green tea through the tranquility of the natural surroundings.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Orange Pekoe


I have decided to create four sticker labels for tea packages. They are meant to fit on a universal sized tea package as 2x2.5 stickers, or 8x10 posters folded inside the package.

The four types of tea I have chosen are Orange Pekoe, Oolong, English Breakfast and Earl Grey. The idea was to display a short "history" of the tea. Each label depicts the time period the tea was developed and an animal from the region. One problem came up when doing the research, most of the history of tea is vague and general. So, please forgive me, the labels are not entirely accurate.

Orange Pekoe, although it originated from China, is a term coined by European trading companies and is generally a Western term. It refers to the high quality, oxidized tea leaf and the copper colour it produces. It may also have been referred to as "orange" as a marketing scheme to suggest a royal warrant. Orange Pekoe became particularly popular during the 16-1700's.

So this is my poster. Next up is Oolong...